About Time | Logs

Logs and data visualisation of my activities from April 1st – August 31st / 2016

Loging my each and every activity in time and duration served the purpose of understanding how my personal time is used. The aim was to see how and whether the emerging patterns of used time can alter, adapt and shift my own time(line). Noticing how with each month my timeline changed—and it did so because my goal was for it to change—the aim to reduce some of my “useless” free time resulted successful. Specific to the months spent loging, the findings showed me that all activities I categorized as “leisure” were actually experiences that helped me draw informed conclusions and as a result and generate new insights. No time was lost.


Logs are part of a larger (MA) project About Time in which I explored its social, psychological, scientific and spiritual aspect through experiments in photography, writing and design.